Before applying make sure you meet the basic requirements:
* 100+ Combat
* 99 Magic
* 99 Range
* ahrim sets
* of each Range/Mage/Melee multi sets
* Enough runes for your multi/single pking
* Barrows gloves
* Basic switching skills
nierka -
DainietasAdvisorMod JoshHead-warlordGhostedrebelWarlordsundoVeteran MembersMembers___________________________________________________________________
Retired Members:
Pkod ever been:
Rules of Pkod
Do not Flame
Do not PJ your Clan members
You must attack every1 who is not in PKoD
Share loot with tbers,assisters
Rules of Pkod Topic
Do not Flame
Do not SPAM ( specialy for Jad. You are not allowed to post here your flames)
Breaking Rules = Warn or Suspend.
Application Forms:
Your Ltscape Account nick name: >> Answer <<
Your combat level: >> Answer <<
You returning set's ( Rune's, Armour ): >> Answer <<
Tell us aboat your Single and Multi PK experience >> Answer <<
Why you want to join us?: >> Answer <<
Your ltscape Account nick name: Your nick name here
Your combat level: 126
You returning set's ( Rune's, Armour ): Picture of Returning sets ( upload your picture to Imageshack.us )
Tell us aboat your Single and Multi PK experience ( minimum 50 Words ): Write your 50 words story about your PK experience.
Why you want to join us?: Because im borred of solo PK or somthin else.
Accepted or Declaned Applications