Forum Mod's Rules :
1.Check the forum at least 1 time a day.
2.Help new users on the forum to join the community
3.Move messages that have been posted on the forum that you moderate but should have been posted on a different one
4.Delete messages that are off-topic, racist, sexist, insulting or contain or link to illegal content.
5.Respect the opinions of others; you should never delete a post because you disagree with someone opinion
6.Inform a Dainietas if you find any problems or bugs in the forum
7.Inform a Dainietas as soon as possible if you do not want to moderate a forum any more
* All actions performed by moderators will be logged to prevent abuse of power. Moderators will lose their status if they are found to be abusing their power.
Breaking the rules = demote
If you find out a moderator is abusing his/her power, please report him/her to Dainietas
By: Klepto